Ok, so went to a wedding in Bermuda this past weekend. I've been there a few times before and love it so much. I was in the wedding party and we all know wedding party=mucho drinking. So I had some over the course of the weekend....not too worried about it since I can't be more than 7 days preggo. Although watch, our baby will come out all soused up and slurring their words and I'll just be like, "sheeeeeeeet" But don't jump down my throat, I'm not going to be making a habit out of it.
I keep getting a feeling that I am knocked up but then I just think it's my crazy self telling myself I'm getting a feeling. Know what I mean? Like I'm really tired and my pee is kind of weird (TMI, I know. But I've heard from a few people that's a symptom. ARen't you glad you know??)
AND....another fun fact. My hubby right now only weighs about 15 lbs more than me. NO, I'm not fat, he's just one of those assholes that eat and eat and eat and never gain an ounce. Ok, the fact that he runs 35 miles a week helps. But I know for a fact that he is just built slender. I'm no cow, but hooo boy, once I start gaining, it won't take long for me to be able to sit on him and make him completely pass out. That'll be just peachy.
So, yeah. My dogs are driving me nuts. One wants out, the other wants in. They both have this annoying habit of flinging their bodies against the back door while whining and expect me to come running. If I don't, they come and fling their bodies against me while whining. Annoying? Oh yes. But at least they don't shit in the house. Not that I would care that much, since we rent. THe house is already a mess. I HATE CLEANING.
I will pay anyone out there 2 million dollars to clean my house for me everyday. Takers? Anyone?? Ok, then.
Gotta fly.
6 hours ago