So Nora keeps waking up in the morning and horking all over. Yesterday I was summoned into her room at 5:30 in the morning by the lovely, melodic sounds of yakking, and was treated to the sight of barf, well...everywhere. Nothing like starting off the day by giving your daughter a bath at 5:45 am and trying not to fall asleep and tip over into the bathtub with her. Although the putrid stench of all the little chunks I was pulling out of her hair really did a good job of keeping me awake.
So really, the only thing I can think of is that the little dear is stashing a flask of rum or something under her mattress and having a little party every night. Which would really upset me. Because really, if there's rum drinking in this house to be done, it should be done by me.
Oh yeah, and because one-year-olds probably shouldn't be drinking rum in the first place.
The demon possession continues around here as well. Like this morning, when I told Tate we were out of bread after the EIGHT peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he had yesterday. Hoo boy. I expected a priest to come slamming through the door, lay his hand on Tate's forehead and start yelling "BACK! Back, ye otherworldly pb&j devil!! BACK!!!" The priest never materialized, though, so I did the next best thing and called Eric on the phone blubbering that he needed to come home from work. At 7:30 am. It didn't happen.
Yogurt-covered raisins were the cure of the day, though. If you're ever trying to get your kid to stop acting like the Devil, try those. I guess they have lots of demon-blocking antioxidants or something. You know, in addition to their sweet sweet chewiness. After the raisins, he was fine. But we're getting really, really bored. This weekend isn't going to be much better. Eric's working 12-hour days, 1:30 am-1:30 pm. Yeah, don't you wish you had those hours?
At least Tate is polite in his aggravation these days. When he gets frustrated, he keeps yelling "Oh my goodness! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!" I don't know where he got the old lady-speak from but it's pretty funny. Well, funny for the first 20 times and then it starts to get a little old. But still, it's better than him yelling "WHAT THE FUCK??" in the middle of the grocery store when he can't get a good hold on his Jell-O square. I have a feeling that would culminate in no more free Jell-O for us.
8 minutes ago
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