Monday, February 09, 2009

It's Expanding.

No, I'm not talking about my waistline. Thanks for thinking that, though.

I mean the clutter. It's like The Blob. Pretty soon we'll all be swallowed alive by it before it moves out into the neighborhood. You'll see a quivering mass of toys, magazine shreds, various kitchen utensils and mismatched socks go globbing down my street looking for it's next victim. I'm picturing something like this dude, only made out of aforementioned products:

Case in point. I looked out onto my back deck earlier this afternoon and saw the turkey baster that's normally in the drawer next to my oven. It was just chillin' on the deck, enjoying the warm 38 degree weather. I was thinking of going out there and asking it if it wanted a nice beer and to fire up the grill. I'm sure pretty soon it will be joined by the pizza cutter, as I hear that's quite a party animal.

Tate did try to take matters into his own hands, though. He marched over to the dishwasher a little bit ago, declaring that it was "Time to clean UP, people!". He then opened the dishwasher and started unloading it. Awesome, right? Would have been a lot better if the stuff inside there was actually clean. Most of it he couldn't get into the correct places, but he did manage to put away every piece of silverware back into the drawer. When I tried to tell him the stuff was dirty and needed to get washed, well, he just wouldn't hear of it. Hopefully I remember to empty the silverware out of the drawer back into the dishwasher before I just grab some random fork covered in scrambled egg remnents. I hate looking at and touching old food. It makes me dry heave.
Also, would someone please remind my darling baby girl that sleep is, in fact, a MAGNIFICENT thing, and she should really partake in it more often? 5:30 AM is not my finest hour. Half hour naps are just not doing it for me. I'm starting to do the zombie walk again. Days are passing by in fogs, and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten to wash my hair for a good 3 days now. I gotta say, it's not a good look on me.

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It's nice to let it all out.