Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Livin' la Vida Nora

Nora leads quite the busy life around here these days, as evidenced by my little photo montage below. Catching up on the daily news

Seeing what's on the tube

Sweeeeet! American Idol!

Drinking water served by a giant bodyless hand.

Looking cute.

What was in that cup, Mom??

Things have been chugging along here. Tate's slowly getting over the pneumonia, and here's a great little fun fact for you. Apparently, after your child gets pneumonia and starts the recovery process, that very process turns your child into a bedeviled clump of lunacy and general derangement. Tate has been...oh, let's say...very unpleasant to be around these last couple of days. I feel for the kid, honestly, but GOOD LORD, does he have to scream like a person getting their eyes gouged out with a rusty fork everytime something does not go his way? Or does go his way? Or just goes in general??

This morning was particularly unpleasant for everyone residing in this house. Well, probably everyone residing in this neighborhood. That kid has the volume of a steam engine when he gets going. We did get him calmed down enough to go look at another preschool where he steadfastly refused to speak, make eye contact, or basically acknowledge anyone else's presence in general. And now he's fine. I guess a gourmet PB&J made by yours truely will do the trick.

Nora and I went to my niece's baptism this weekend, which was an enjoyable time, hanging out with the reles. People take way too much interest in my eating habits, though. My mom spent a large portion of Sunday morning trying to convince me to eat a grapefruit. My denial to eat said grapefruit based on the fact that it tastes like paper clips dipped in stomach acid seemed to fall on deaf ears, as she must have asked me a good 10049 times to "just try it You'll like it". Then at the get-together at my sister's house, she had a sign posted stating that $40 would be rewarded to the person who could get me to eat an orange. I've never eaten an orange. It looks like it would feel like a big ball of juicy skin. I kept stating that I wasn't going to eat a juicy skin-ball just so someone ELSE would make money. I mean, seriously. My mom then offered me $500 to eat the orange. She could not produce the money then and there, however...so no orange. I shall not falter.

See? Evil. Oranges are evil.

1 comment:

  1. You are not the only one. I'm not a big fruit lover. I think it's the texture or something. Anyway, my family is always trying to get me to eat stuff. They never offered cash though!


It's nice to let it all out.