Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tater

It's been a crazy 3 years around here. I don't know how a little baby can go from here:

stop here:

and here:
and end up here, in the blink of my eye.

That little guy has definitely made the past three years...oh, let's say...stimulating. Had he been born 3 hours earlier, on Cinco De Mayo, I would have pushed for naming him Paco. Hey, why not. Paco Sonnenberg really has a ring to it, you gotta admit. But he held out, and May 6th has never just been a random date on the calendar to me since.
No doubt has there been lots of frustration and head-butting, but the absolute joy that he can bring to me usually (usually) overrides all the scream-worthy moments. He's smart, cute, sweet, and funny. Really.
Happy Birthday little Tater-bug. I love you.


  1. We love you too Tate. Happy Birthday big guy!

  2. Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Tate!!! We are sending you big hugs!!


  3. Happy Birthday to Tate (a little belated). Love those chubby baby pictures. I just want to pinch his cheeks.


It's nice to let it all out.