So I thought by tonight I'd have the energy to write this huge long blog about Tate's birthday party yesterday.
I don't.
Too much sitting around gabbing today with various people. Too much imbibing in rum and Cokes. Too much running after Nora trying to keep her from A) drinking 3-year-old rainwater out of a random bucket B) gallumping into the street and C) falling headfirst off our swingset into a pile of rocks.
But it was a great time. Tate had a blast and so did the 20,000 other kids that came. Or 17 kids. I don't know. Once you get more than three 2-year-olds in one spot they all kind of blur together into a giant larvae of insanity. The party went as well as I could have hoped. Well, I forgot knives. Oh, and I accidentally got those stupid trick candles for his cake. Poor Tate will never trust another birthday candle as long as he lives. I felt bad. He just...kept blowing.
So thanks to everyone who came and made the day special. I have no pictures to share at the moment because our camera was lost, but I will at some point. I enlisted my brother-in-law, who takes pictures at every given opportunity, to capture the day. Tate smiled? Click. Tate ran around? Click. Tate breathed? Or looked at another kid? Or moved his pinky finger a millimeter to the left? Click click click.
It was a great day.
14 minutes ago
I gave you an award on my blog. (I designed it myself!) Come by and check it out when you have a minute. :)