My kids are sleeping. Let me say that again. My kidS ARE sleeping. That means both of them. At the same time. I feel like I've entered some parallel universe. This is out of my realm of reality. Tate has not napped since the beginning of time. Nora naps for about 40 second stretches. They have both been asleep for one hour. So now I'm sitting on the nap, trying to hurry up and get all my relaxing done. You know what I mean? You just book downstairs to the couch, slam open the laptop and start cruising through all your favorite websites before one of the kidlets wake up. I keep looking at the clock trying to determine how much time I have left to continue shaping my butt imprint on the couch. I feel like I'm living on borrowed time.
Anyhoo. We had a fun weekend this past weekend. Saturday we went to Target for the first time EVER as a foursome. Yes, it was very exciting. We didn't have any repeats of the bra incident, sadly. I'm sure Eric would have gotten a kick out of it. Then we went to look at minivans. We've decided to suck it up and buy one. Really, why not get one? We're 30 and have no one to impress anymore. It's not like we go drag-racin' down the open road anymore. No more sitting on the hoods drinking beer and listening to music. No more having sex in the backseat. Although a minivan may actually make that more of a, who am I kidding. So we think we're going to get a Chysler Town and Country. Yeeeeah, we are kickass.
Then we headed to our neighbors to hang out by the kiddie pool and drink. The kids had fun splashing each other and pouring water over Greg's bald head. Tate actually sat down in the water. He hasn't done that in a kiddie pool or bathtub for like a year. I guess he figured since Alice did it, he cuoldn't be shown up by a girl. Then we bbq'd on their back deck and watched the kids try and kill each other in the mini trampoline. Seriously, it was like watching the WWE. Tate got Alice's head in between his legs and kept slamming it onto the trampoline. She loved it.
Sunday Eric worked at the Chili Cook-off at a park by our house. He's a member of the Optimists Club, who sponsered it. Hasn't gone to a meeting in about 8 months, but all of a sudden decided it was his civic duty to spend a whole Sunday away from home hawking beer and eating chili. He brought Tate with him. Nora and I came, I took Tate to play on the playground, and he threw his first tantrum about .9 seconds later. Time to go back to Daddy. I lasted a whole 20 minutes before I left. I just wasn't feelin' it.
So a nice weekend in all. Not too many funny things happened. I feel like I'm losing my writing mojo. Hopefully something funny will happen soon that I'll feel like reenacting on this thing. Lately I've been feeling kinda blah in general. I need to do something new and exciting.
6 minutes ago
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It's nice to let it all out.